
Self-Taught Programmer:
From Environmental Science to Programming

College Education

Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor's of Science in Environmental Technology and Management from North Carolina State University with minors in Biology and Toxicology.

NC State Logo
Courtesy of: NCSU © via WikiMedia Commons

Finding Programming

My degree incorporates Python by way of ArcGIS, the industry-standard GIS software. This exposure taught programming fundamentals that inspired me to learn more. This interest blossomed into a pursuit for a career in programming, and more specifically as a full-stack developer.

Python Programming Language Logo
Courtesy of: Python via WikiMedia Commons

Learning Programming

This journey is paved with a myriad of resources, those of which primarily came from books or official documentation. Nevertheless, reading is only part of it, it must be applied. This essential aspect manifested as uniquely scoped projects to reinforce studied materials. Most of which assisted in the creation of this website.

Visual Studio Code Logo
Courtesy of: Microsoft © via WikiMedia Commons

Resources Used

Example of resources used in the process of learning programming. (List is Not Exhaustive)

  • Pragmatic Programmer
    By: David Thomas and Andrew Hunt
  • Pro Git
    By: Scott Chacon and Ben Straub
  • JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
    By: David Flanagan
  • Common Lisp
    By: David S. Touretzky
  • MDN Web Docs
  • freeCodeCamp
  • ...And any official documentation

JavaScript Logo

Current Studies

Currently studying the in-depth and more nuanced side of Typescript and integrating the language with React, Angular, and Electron. Also, currently working through Clean Code By: Robert C. Martin.