React Project
By: Collin Geersen
Project Description
This project will be a grading program built with React and Electron to track and present grades (i.e. report card). As the project progresses, the page will be updated to reflect the new content.
Project Goals
The main goal for this project is to create a graphical user interface that a
layman can use to enter grades into a database. This database will be used
to calculate overall grades in a given subject and any other relevant calculations.
The program will also have a print function to present these grades in a
report card. The target user for this project is homeschooled children,
so that their grades can be more easily tracked and presented via a free program.
A secondary goal for this project is to strengthen old skills and learn new ones. Such as databases, JavaScript frameworks, and working with the backend in the Node.JS environment.
Proposed Project Toolchain
Currently this project uses:
Tech Stack
Dev Utilities
Things Learned/Reinforced
As per the secondary goal of the project, I am looking forward to experimenting with new technologies.
A non-exhaustive list of gained skills:
- TypeScript
- React
- Electron
- Node.JS
- Webpack
Possible Additions To Project
There are some possibilities that I have been toying with regarding additions. After an initial release with Electron on the desktop, I may look into making a fully useable website version that has sign-on compatibilities for multiple users.