More About Me
As said previously, I graduated Summa Cum Laude from NCState with a degree in
Environmental Technology and Management. During my time at NCState I found
my love of programming. Initially through Python while working with ArcGIS.
While I love and enjoy the environment, I found that I like programming more! 😅
So, I began the journey of teaching myself programming and web development. I look forward
to a career change! 🎉
I received a degree in environmental sciences because I love the environment and
want to make a difference to help preserve our Planet through sustainability and equity.
Even though I have pivoted toward computer science, I would never change the fact
I have a unique insight and knowledge on the world because of it. Especially if there
is ever an overlap of environmental and computer science, I will have a
unique set of combined skills.

I embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion. I look forward
to working in teams with diverse people, bringing their unique viewpoints and
life experiences to the table. 🌈 💖
My current professional goal in life is to have a fulfilling and successful career in
programming, whether it be web development now or software development later.
A much deeper goal in my professional journey is that I would love to at some point
make a pull request on an open source project that solves an outstanding
issue that was seemingly impossible to fix. That would be a highlight for me, not for
any form of recognition, but to have contributed a lasting impact on a codebase.

My interests have always been within the sciences. As a child I would read
books about various subjects explaining some esoteric bit of knowledge that I would
inevitably retain to be espoused to my parents.

Reading has always been my main mode of learning, through books. They are great for
me since I am a visual learner. I own so many
books ranging from technical texts to fiction.
Another lifelong interest of mine is computers. I have built and setup countless
computers for my family and myself (including a home server). I essentially act
like my family's live in IT specialist. 😎