
Project Ideas

By: Collin Geersen

  1. Next Project
  2. Other Possible Projects
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Next Project

The next project that I am working on is a React Project using Electron and MySQL. The goal for this project is to make a GUI that can be used for home schooled children to track grades and create report cards.

Other Possible Projects

Collection of possible projects that I would like to work on in the future. I hope to work on a myriad of projects that allow me learn different skills over different disciplines of programming.

Recreate Website: I look forward to recreating this portfolio website utilizing a JavaScript framework like React or Angular. It will be refreshing to start the website over because this version of the website has accrued technical debt. This debt would not have been gained with my current skill level where I were to write this website again.

Open Source Project: I am on the look out for a project to regularly work on to better my collaboration skills via git. Not to mention it also helps a project.

LISP Interpreter: I absolutely love LISP! I really want to have a much deeper understanding of LISP and its variants. In doing so it would allow me to explore more advanced computer science concepts that will directly correlate to writing better code.

Compliers: Like my desire to work on a LISP interpreter, I want to learn about compliers and the science behind them to also learn more advanced computer science topics.

Video Game: For fun I hope to solo dev a 3D game in the Godot game engine.